Bad Day
Can I just say that today takes the cake for bad days in the last few weeks? Let's start at the wait...the beginning is too boring. You know, you have to have a "hook" (literary term) to get your reader's attention. Basically, my manager was not in the best of moods today. Thankfully, I successfully avoided talking to him all day. Stupid thing is, his mere emails are enough to get me riled up.
I don't think today could have progressed any slower.
The day ends with the following events...I leave to go meet the horseshoer at the barn so he can put shoes on my horse and I end up getting a ticket at the top of my street. Its the DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!!! and this cop with nothing better to do is sitting on a quiet residential street giving out tickets to honest, hardworking, very cautious (usually) drivers!! For the love!!!! Why isn't he out on the highways and byways doing what we PAY him to do and get the REAL bad guys, like the ones that are causing accidents all over the congested southern California freeway system? I know there are many out there because I spend enough time on the road to see it all. Yesterday I witnessed an almost accident (or "near miss" as our company calls it), where this guy careened across 2 lanes of traffic to ricochet off the curb on the side of the freeway, then overcompensate, burning his brakes and rubber all the way (smoke everywhere, and trickling through my vents to stink up my car), then careened back across those same 2 lanes to return to the heavy traffic and swerve on down the freeway! Where are the cops when THAT happens? But I digress.....
I arrive at the barn wiping tears out of my eyes and angry as all get out to stand there and listen to this horseshoer go on and on about the ways of shoeing horses and training them. Blah blah blah...Then he proceeds to tell me how to handle my horses. As if I didn't know!! I've only been working around them ALL MY LIFE!! Now, that is not to say that I don't think I could learn more, and I am always willing to learn more, but here I was being told why I have to hold the horse a certain way for him! I would go into detail, but I would probably confuse most and then I would have to explain other principles of horse training, and before long, you'd all be asleep. So, there I was, all angry and having to bite my tongue while he went on and on about what he knows. Then we started into horse feeds. Mind you, that IS my specialty. I only spent 6 years in college studying ANIMAL SCIENCE!!! Well, there I had to listen to him tell ME why corn is a great feed for horses. I won't go into the details of why it ISN'T, but I have the scientific journal articles to back me up. But of course, once again, I knew nothing and he knew all. Then (and here's where it gets REALLY good), he proceeded to start in about religion. Never start a conversation with an angry person about religion. He claimed his was the religion of "common sense and logic." Then he continued to explain that human beings are the result of cross-breeding between aliens and apes! Hmm...what's he smokin? Of couse, this conversation began soon after he told me to write the check out to "cash" so that he could take it to the liquor store and cash it there so the IRS didn't have to know about his side job of shoeing horses....I really want to call this guy out again. About the time that he offered to "show me one more thing...." I interrupted and told him I had to get going. I quickly got in my car and left. I am in the market for a good horseshoer...know of any? As far as his idea of creation goes, I sure prefer my belief in an omnipotent, omniscient, divine, loving God, and the fact that I was created by an eternal, holy being. At least that makes me more grand than being the result of a hybrid cross between an ape and a green thing with slanty, black eyes!
The drive home was icing on the cake, let me tell you. I get a call from some customer in Arizona telling me my products suck! I felt like saying, "Well, sorry, I guess you don't have to buy them anymore."
Is it time for bed yet?
I don't think today could have progressed any slower.
The day ends with the following events...I leave to go meet the horseshoer at the barn so he can put shoes on my horse and I end up getting a ticket at the top of my street. Its the DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!!! and this cop with nothing better to do is sitting on a quiet residential street giving out tickets to honest, hardworking, very cautious (usually) drivers!! For the love!!!! Why isn't he out on the highways and byways doing what we PAY him to do and get the REAL bad guys, like the ones that are causing accidents all over the congested southern California freeway system? I know there are many out there because I spend enough time on the road to see it all. Yesterday I witnessed an almost accident (or "near miss" as our company calls it), where this guy careened across 2 lanes of traffic to ricochet off the curb on the side of the freeway, then overcompensate, burning his brakes and rubber all the way (smoke everywhere, and trickling through my vents to stink up my car), then careened back across those same 2 lanes to return to the heavy traffic and swerve on down the freeway! Where are the cops when THAT happens? But I digress.....
I arrive at the barn wiping tears out of my eyes and angry as all get out to stand there and listen to this horseshoer go on and on about the ways of shoeing horses and training them. Blah blah blah...Then he proceeds to tell me how to handle my horses. As if I didn't know!! I've only been working around them ALL MY LIFE!! Now, that is not to say that I don't think I could learn more, and I am always willing to learn more, but here I was being told why I have to hold the horse a certain way for him! I would go into detail, but I would probably confuse most and then I would have to explain other principles of horse training, and before long, you'd all be asleep. So, there I was, all angry and having to bite my tongue while he went on and on about what he knows. Then we started into horse feeds. Mind you, that IS my specialty. I only spent 6 years in college studying ANIMAL SCIENCE!!! Well, there I had to listen to him tell ME why corn is a great feed for horses. I won't go into the details of why it ISN'T, but I have the scientific journal articles to back me up. But of course, once again, I knew nothing and he knew all. Then (and here's where it gets REALLY good), he proceeded to start in about religion. Never start a conversation with an angry person about religion. He claimed his was the religion of "common sense and logic." Then he continued to explain that human beings are the result of cross-breeding between aliens and apes! Hmm...what's he smokin? Of couse, this conversation began soon after he told me to write the check out to "cash" so that he could take it to the liquor store and cash it there so the IRS didn't have to know about his side job of shoeing horses....I really want to call this guy out again. About the time that he offered to "show me one more thing...." I interrupted and told him I had to get going. I quickly got in my car and left. I am in the market for a good horseshoer...know of any? As far as his idea of creation goes, I sure prefer my belief in an omnipotent, omniscient, divine, loving God, and the fact that I was created by an eternal, holy being. At least that makes me more grand than being the result of a hybrid cross between an ape and a green thing with slanty, black eyes!
The drive home was icing on the cake, let me tell you. I get a call from some customer in Arizona telling me my products suck! I felt like saying, "Well, sorry, I guess you don't have to buy them anymore."
Is it time for bed yet?
It's nice to know that someone read my ramblings. Oh, I like hotel sheets cos they're somewhat cleaner than my own. Ha ha.
Yvonne, at 7:00 AM
don't you wonder sometimes if you are wearing a post-it on your head that says give me every opinion that ever fired in your brain? And you only wear the post-it when it is opinions you don't want to hear!
Love, AUnt B
Anonymous, at 2:58 AM
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