On a Mission...From God
So the Beauti-Phil-meister says that we must get the Frogg a V-Day date. Hmm...I guess he's referring to me when he says that those that live down with her need to get her a date. Well, I dont' know. I like having Vday by myself. No pressure. No frills. No expectations. Just the cowgirl and her cowgirl self. But if the Frogg wants to experience the overrated St. Valetnine's Day, then so be it. I will succeed in my assigned mission or die trying. Well, not really...I'll probably just relax and enjoy the day. I'm not even gonna be aroudn for it! I have to be up in Norcal for the job! Lame. I cna't even relax in the comfort of my own home for V day.
For all the rest of you out there...you got one month...good luck.
For all the rest of you out there...you got one month...good luck.
i admit it. i DO want a date for V-day! i know its a hyped-up, overrated, hallmark holiday, but i don't care. i want a date! so there.
um, that's all i wanted to say.
grackyfrogg, at 10:13 PM
When I read the first paragraph (They say you ain't a true cowgirl until you've been thrown off and gotten back on again. I guess I can say that I have had my fair share of being thrown off by horses, and then some. Yesterday was no exception.) I absolutely thought you were making a reference to love, a clever little euphimism. I guess not. :) But it would have been pretty accurate if you were!
Lara, at 10:11 PM
Midwest girl, I think you meant to comment on my other post, but I will forgive the oversight. Yes, it would have been a very accurate and clever euphamism. But then, I am not that clever. I'm just a simple cowgirl that really did get crushed under her horse. And its not the first time. And it doesn't get easier and less painful each time, let me tell ya!
SingingCowgirl, at 10:24 PM
Who is the "Beauti-meister"??
Well if you had a boy friend, or someone to take you out for V-Day than your thoughts might be different. But as it seems you are one of the meany that are un-able to find a love of there own. That is ok. Some day you will see V-day as the day you wait to come around, so you and your someone can spend time alone with one another.
Just one more thought... What is a cowgirl like you doing without a cowboy??? I would have thought you might have someone to share your time with...
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM
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