Systematical Failure
America's "system" is messed up. I don't know how else to describe it. Everything from Social Security (will I get any when I'm old???), to disability, to unemployment! What I mean by screwed up is that there are too many ways to take advantage of the "system" and there are many people out there doing it. Allow me to explain...
I just saw a friend of mine from college recently during the New Year's holiday. He is a firefighter. During the summer months he is on a helicopter crew. He loves what he does. He is in his mid twenties, young, healthy, and enjoying life. Problem is, he enjoys it at the expense of the rest of us. You see, his work season lasts approximately four months, give or take a month or two. He is usually full-time employed during the summer months (the fire months, mind you), and the rest of the year he is a full-time student (sort of) finishing up his bachelor's degree. I met him in the fall of 2000 when I transfered to a four year university. He was in his second year there, I believe. Unfortunately for him, he had some "difficulties" completing his degree in a timely manner with qualifying grades, and had to leave for a short time and beg to come back. I congratulated him when I found out that he wasn't going to give up and that he was going to clean up his act and finish his degree. I thought that was great. What I didn't know was that his poor grades and many alcohol-induced, sleepless nights were paid for by yours truly and the rest of us hardworking taxpayers.
Here is his defense. He works fighting fire during the summer months risking his life to save whoever and whatever, and then is "involuntarily unemployed" because it IS a seasonal position, and then takes unemployment money out to pay for the rest of the year. I asked him recently if he would like to take a job up here at the ranch cutting down some trees in one of our pastures that desperately needs some attention and he said he may be interested, but only if he is paid "under the table" so that he can keep his unemployment money. I couldn't believe it! I look back at the time when I was in school. I too took seasonal positions during the summer months, but as soon as school started back up, I found another job to carry me through until the next summer. The thought of digging into my unemployment money never once even occurred to me! And then to know that it is taking him twice as long to graduate because most of the time was spent partying (when he could have been studying and working part time) makes me so incredibly mad, I felt I had to BLOG about it. So you are now hearing my rant. It's not like he can't find another job to carry him through. Like I said, he's young and healthy; he can read and write, and I am sure has a number of other skills that could be useful to an employer. Heck, anyone can clean a horse stall, and that's what I did to help pay my way through school!
He isn't the first that I have known to do this. Another friend of mine a few years ago was doing a similar thing. Only this guy didn't do ANY work (seasonal or non). He just got laid off one day and decided to live off of unemployment for a while. He was 30 years old. Mind you, he spent hundreds of dollars per month on alcohol, cigarettes, and "great green bud!" Once he drove 4 hours round trip just to buy some really good bud for $200!!! Don't forget, the gas costs money too!!! And he wasn't working for any of that money! It drove me nuts! Meanwhile, I was busting my butt applying for jobs because my seasonal summer job had ended and I needed to pay rent!
And he wondered why he couldn't get a girlfriend...
No wonder the rest of us won't have any social security benefits to look forward to when we get old. No wonder our government is in a deficit. Don't forget we also spend a lot of money on new computers for all the doctors in the VA Hospitals all over the state (see previous blog).
This makes me so mad I want to actually go to someone to "turn him in." But I know that wouldn't fly. Legally, he can do what he's doing, provided he doesn't get paid for any other work, but that IS the problem!!! Our "system" is so non-systematical (is that a word???) that it doesn't work. Unemployment is kind of like insurance money. If you are involuntarily unemployed (not fired) it is money that you have previouslypaid into to get you by until you can become unemployed again. Unfortunately, people think that it is money that they paid into at one time to pay for the rest of their life and all their partying!!!
Someone tell me how we can put a stop to this.
I just saw a friend of mine from college recently during the New Year's holiday. He is a firefighter. During the summer months he is on a helicopter crew. He loves what he does. He is in his mid twenties, young, healthy, and enjoying life. Problem is, he enjoys it at the expense of the rest of us. You see, his work season lasts approximately four months, give or take a month or two. He is usually full-time employed during the summer months (the fire months, mind you), and the rest of the year he is a full-time student (sort of) finishing up his bachelor's degree. I met him in the fall of 2000 when I transfered to a four year university. He was in his second year there, I believe. Unfortunately for him, he had some "difficulties" completing his degree in a timely manner with qualifying grades, and had to leave for a short time and beg to come back. I congratulated him when I found out that he wasn't going to give up and that he was going to clean up his act and finish his degree. I thought that was great. What I didn't know was that his poor grades and many alcohol-induced, sleepless nights were paid for by yours truly and the rest of us hardworking taxpayers.
Here is his defense. He works fighting fire during the summer months risking his life to save whoever and whatever, and then is "involuntarily unemployed" because it IS a seasonal position, and then takes unemployment money out to pay for the rest of the year. I asked him recently if he would like to take a job up here at the ranch cutting down some trees in one of our pastures that desperately needs some attention and he said he may be interested, but only if he is paid "under the table" so that he can keep his unemployment money. I couldn't believe it! I look back at the time when I was in school. I too took seasonal positions during the summer months, but as soon as school started back up, I found another job to carry me through until the next summer. The thought of digging into my unemployment money never once even occurred to me! And then to know that it is taking him twice as long to graduate because most of the time was spent partying (when he could have been studying and working part time) makes me so incredibly mad, I felt I had to BLOG about it. So you are now hearing my rant. It's not like he can't find another job to carry him through. Like I said, he's young and healthy; he can read and write, and I am sure has a number of other skills that could be useful to an employer. Heck, anyone can clean a horse stall, and that's what I did to help pay my way through school!
He isn't the first that I have known to do this. Another friend of mine a few years ago was doing a similar thing. Only this guy didn't do ANY work (seasonal or non). He just got laid off one day and decided to live off of unemployment for a while. He was 30 years old. Mind you, he spent hundreds of dollars per month on alcohol, cigarettes, and "great green bud!" Once he drove 4 hours round trip just to buy some really good bud for $200!!! Don't forget, the gas costs money too!!! And he wasn't working for any of that money! It drove me nuts! Meanwhile, I was busting my butt applying for jobs because my seasonal summer job had ended and I needed to pay rent!
And he wondered why he couldn't get a girlfriend...
No wonder the rest of us won't have any social security benefits to look forward to when we get old. No wonder our government is in a deficit. Don't forget we also spend a lot of money on new computers for all the doctors in the VA Hospitals all over the state (see previous blog).
This makes me so mad I want to actually go to someone to "turn him in." But I know that wouldn't fly. Legally, he can do what he's doing, provided he doesn't get paid for any other work, but that IS the problem!!! Our "system" is so non-systematical (is that a word???) that it doesn't work. Unemployment is kind of like insurance money. If you are involuntarily unemployed (not fired) it is money that you have previouslypaid into to get you by until you can become unemployed again. Unfortunately, people think that it is money that they paid into at one time to pay for the rest of their life and all their partying!!!
Someone tell me how we can put a stop to this.
Yeah it makes me mad too but at the same time can you blame the people that are taking advantage of it? As you said they aren't doing anything illegal. They are just using the system within its own laws and regulations. After I ponder this I realize what really makes me mad is the people that create these faulty systems. I feel that many of these systems are made to help people but they usually end up doing more harm then good. One person suffering because of someone else’s ignorance is almost enough to make me shoot someone. It seems like I see it all the time. That’s why I want to move to Mars… terraform it of course ;)
Mark out
Anonymous, at 10:55 PM
eek. that would make me mad too. i don't know what a better system would be, but this one definitely seems to be a mess. i understand it was probably put in place for good reasons--to help people who genuinely need it, who lost their jobs and are trying to find another but in the meantime still need to pay bills. but yeah, it's incredibly lame that there are people who won't work just so they can keep that unemployment check coming.
but that really makes me wonder...just how much do they get paid??? i mean, that they can actually afford to say, "a job? who needs it?" i am completely mystified!
grackyfrogg, at 9:14 AM
he can read and write?? ...oooh... let's just hope he doesn't read THIS!
Anonymous, at 10:46 AM
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